The Green Fairy
The Green Fairy
Title: The Green Fairy - An Absinthe Glass and Spoon
One of a Kind - Collector Set
Absinthe Glass: Sterling Silver, Glass
Absinthe Spoon: Sterling Silver
Display case: Oak, Glass, Green LED lights with switch board, Sterling Silver Skull catch, 9ct Yellow Gold Chain
Absinthe has been an inspiration for artists throughout history from Vincent van Gogh to Oscar Wilde. This alcoholic delicacy historically contained the herb Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood), often connected to dark imagery, or visions out of the ordinary.
I am intrigued by rituals associated with objects, jewellery or otherwise.
These objects have significant sentimental value which comes from playing a part in a ceremony.
The Absinthe ritual:
Lay silver spoon on top of the glass.
Place a white sugar cube on top of the spoon.
Pour your desired amount of Absinthe over the sugar to drip through into the glass.
Ignite the sugar cube!
Once the sugar has in most past dissolved, stir into the Absinthe.
For the final touch add ice cold water to the mix.
This changes the colour of the Absinthe from a bright green to a milky,
pastel colour as the water helps release the herbal flavours.
Please note: There is a second Absinthe Glass and Spoon Collector Set available (different design) to view in the online store. Title: Life's Elixir